When there are events, a party, or a holiday, these call for a celebration. People gather and enjoy every moment of it – the food and the wines or beers being served. When it’s all over, drunk party goers are everywhere and often times, driving home endangering themselves as well as other people or pedestrians on the road. DUI is a crime in the United States and it has serious consequences. The Government and the police department are on strict observance of this particular DUI law. People who are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs once caught, is subject to an arrest and a crime.

A person dealing with a DUI charge should call for an experienced and committed DUI lawyers who will look after the case with exemplary and dedication. A DUI charge can affect a person emotionally and mentally. His reputation is at risk as well. To get rid of a DUI charge and continue to live a normal life, a person should look for qualified lawyers. What does “qualified” means? What are the characteristics of a qualified DUI lawyers?

Be Sure the Lawyer Specializes in OWI / DWI/ DUI Law

This may seem like a simple step, but it’s actually quite important, and not as easy as you might think. A lawyer who says “I handle DUI’s” may not have the level of knowledge you really want. Ask what percentage of a lawyer’s case load is DUI’s. How long have they been practicing DUI law? Do they regularly attend seminars to keep up to date on ever-changing drunk driving laws? Are they up to date on all current DUI state laws? Don’t be afraid to ask specific questions about your case and how it will impact you. If the attorney is unwilling to give you specific answers about how the OWI will affect you, they likely do not practice enough drunk driving defense.

Be Sure the DUI Attorney Practices in Your Area

Bottom line: if your DUI lawyer is not familiar with your judge and your prosecutor, make sure he or she has a plan to get information about them before they ever step foot in that courtroom.

Beware, sometimes a prosecutor knowing your attorney can be a negative. If your attorney does not challenge OWI’s or DUI’s aggressively, the prosecutor will know that fact and may be less willing to give your attorney the best deal possible. If the attorney has a reputation for taking a plea deal and not going to trial, it is unlikely the prosecutor will give an offer that contemplates the case going to trial.

You should also research DUI Law in your state before calling DUI Lawyers. You can attempt to find the DUI Statutes on your State government web site or use other web resources. When reviewing the DUI Statute from your state you should be trying to find out several things. Are you facing a mandatory jail sentence? If so, how long a sentence? Are you facing a mandatory driver’s license suspension? For how long? Most importantly, does your state offer a pre-trial diversionary program? This is a program that will, generally, allow a first time offender to serve some probation and take classes instead of facing jail time. These programs very often also carry lesser, or no, license suspension. Most importantly, most of these types of programs will result in your DUI charges being dismissed and expunged (meaning you will have NO criminal record as a result).

It is only after you have all of this information that you should talk to a DUI Lawyer. Then, for example, if a lawyer does not mention the pre-trial diversionary program you should wonder why? Or if an attorney pushes you to fight the charges rather than take the program (usually, because they charge more money for a trial) you should question them closely as to their reasoning for this advice. Always remember to ask any Lawyer how often they handle DUI cases and what percentage of their practice is taken up by DUI defense.