Domestic assault is a type of abuse. It usually involves a spouse or partner, but it can also be a child, elderly relative, or other family member.
It’s important to understand the signs of domestic assault so that you can take action to help yourself or a loved one. Here are 10 of the most common indications that a relationship is abusive:
1. Physical abuse: Any use of force or physical harm.
2. Mental or emotional abuse: A regular pattern of verbal offense, threatening, bullying and constant criticism, as well as more subtle tactics like intimidation, shaming and manipulation.
3. Controlling money: Your partner should not have financial secrets, keep money from you or control how you spend your money.
4. Checking phone, email or social media without your permission: Looking through your email, phone or internet history without your knowledge or permission.
5. Isolation/keeping you from seeing friends or loved ones.
6. Cruelty to animals or children: Violent behavior toward animals or children.
7. Threats or intimidation: This may include your partner breaking things on purpose that are sentimental or valuable to you.
8. Threats of suicide: Using threats of suicide as a way to control a partner and/or keep them from leaving.
9. Drug or alcohol abuse: This can lead to other abusive behaviors. One partner insisting the other drink or take drugs is also a form of abuse.
10. Extreme jealousy or possessiveness: Calling or checking up on you excessively or insisting on knowing where you are at every moment. This also includes possessive behavior, such as criticizing or dictating what you wear.
These behaviors are not acceptable in any relationship. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these signs of abuse, tell a trusted friend immediately and talk with a health professional or contact a local domestic violence awareness group.
On January 19, 2018, Rene Blucher was charged with felony assault for attacking his neighbor, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). The charge, brought under a federal law that covers personal injury attacks on members of Congress, superseded an earlier charge of fourth-degree misdemeanor assault, brought by the state of Kentucky.

Some law enforcement agency as 20% of their emergency calls are the result of domestic violence. Generally, those calls involve heat-of-the-moment yelling, hitting, kicking, and other behaviors that are typically classified as misdemeanor charges.
One Billion Rising, people from around the world are working together to create laws and change cultural perceptions that tolerate or condone domestic violence or any form of violence against women.
Estimated annual figures for the number of women in the hamilton,oakville,missisauga and burlington who are subjected to abuse by a male partner range from two to four million. Additional statistics indicate that domestic violence ranks as the leading cause of injury to women from age 15 to 44 and that one-third of the American women murdered in any given year are killed by current or former boyfriends or husbands. Males may also be victims of domestic violence, although instances are both less common and less severe. However, such occurrences are also less likely to be reported, because of the fear of ridicule and the lack of support services made available to male abuse victims.

Perpetrators of domestic violence come from all socioeconomic, cultural, and educational backgrounds. The stresses of poverty and the abuse of such substances as alcohol and drugs contribute to the problem.
What can I do now?
- Get personalized, anonymous online support with Reach Out Next Step to figure out what support options are best for you.
- If you’re in immediate danger, call 911(if you’re in Canada).
- Contact a support service in your local area.